Friday, November 30, 2012


For this project we had to create our own typeface. I based mine off of bobby pins.

Olvera Hotel

For this assignment we had to create the logo, letterhead, business cards, signs, etc. Here is the letterhead, notepad, business card, and the logo.

BIJOU Theater Supply Business Card

BIJOU Theater Supply Letterhead

For Logo/Trademark class we had to make a letterhead, business cards, etc.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Penguin Poster

Guitar Poster

Guitar poster. The saying means "Music springs from failing words"
This is a poster design I created for my mother.


This is a poster that I designed for my color science class. We were assigned to create a poster that includes a vector and a raster image. We will end up printing these on a type of substrate we were assigned and working on the color management for it.